Uniting Behind the Science to Step up Ambition by 2020


We, the Heads of Government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Belize, Republic of Costa Rica, Kingdom of Denmark, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of Fiji, Grenada, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Nauru, United Mexican States, Principality of Monaco, Kingdom of the Netherlands, New Zealand, Kingdom of Norway, Portugal, Samoa, Saint Lucia, Kingdom of Sweden, Swiss Confederation, Republic of Vanuatu:

Alarmed by the latest findings from the IPCC concerning the severe, multiple and inter-related risks posed by climate change to human, land, ocean and terrestrial ecosystems, and convinced that limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius is fundamental to minimizing and averting these risks.

Determined to respond to the UN Secretary-General's call to Member States for "concrete, realistic plans to enhance their nationally determined contributions by 2020, in line with reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 45 per cent over the next decade, and to net zero emissions by 2050."¹

Reiterate our full commitment to unite behind the science and take the actions needed to achieve the Paris Agreement goals, to restore and ensure the health of the global oceans, and look forward to supporting the implementation of the initiatives to be announced at the UN Secretary-General's Climate Action Summit based on the nine tracks for action.

Resolve to communicate by the first quarter of 2020 in line with the best available science, new and updated NDCs for 2030 that represent the highest possible ambition, as well as, by 2020, long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies aimed at achieving net zero global emissions by 2050, and applaud the leadership demonstrated by those countries that have already done so.

Declare our support for an ambitious and successful replenishment of the Green Climate Fund, and further progress on simplifying access procedures, as a critical contributor to strengthened action on climate change in developing countries.

Call on all governments and non-Party stakeholders to maintain the momentum on climate ambition from the UN Secretary-General's Climate Action Summit through to COP25 in December 2019, and to join in the effort to accelerate and strengthen action on climate change by 2020.

To join the statement or for queries, please contact HAC@HighAmbitionCoalition.org

Photo: UNFCCC Flickr


Statement on Stepping up Climate Ambition


Ministerial Statement on the IPCC’s Special Report on 1.5°C