Co-Chairs’ Summary of the June 3-4 Ministerial Meeting
The Republic of the Marshall Islands, along with Germany and Costa Rica, chaired a virtual ministerial meeting of the High Ambition Coalition (HAC) on June 4th. It focused on driving forward a green and resilient recovery from COVID-19, and maintaining momentum on climate ambition through to the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP-26).
Marshallese Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Casten Nemra, Marshal Iese Environment Minister Christopher Loeak, German Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Svenja Schultze, and Costa Rican Minister of Environment and Energy, Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, chaired sessions that were attended by ministers and high-level representatives from 30 HAC countries as well as the UN Secretary General's Office.
Resilient Recovery: Resetting the course for our future
Ministers and high-level representatives expressed their solidarity with those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. They overwhelmingly agreed that the crisis has created an unprecedented moment for a potential reset. The right decisions have the potential to catalyze the structural changes to the global economy needed to effectively combat climate change. But the window of opportunity for a resilient and green recovery is rapidly shrinking.
HAC Member States underscored their commitment to and endorsement of the UN Secretary General's six actions for a climate-related recovery and called for states to operationalize these principles, and increase efforts to engage other countries towards a green recovery, particularly big emitters. Members called for the urgent implementation of monetary and fiscal policies that can effectively enact structural changes to the global economy in a manner consistent with addressing the climate crisis.
Participants tasked themselves to lead by example in their own domestic recovery plans with initiatives like fossil fuel subsidy reform and coal-phase outs, and support to developing countries to relieve pressures like unsustainable debt obligations. Ministers also called for an ecosystem of support to be provided to developing countries to ensure they have the capacity to design and implement a green and resilient recovery. Many noted the important role of multilateral development banks, international finance institutions, and collaboration with Finance Ministries to ensure that recovery plans are crafted in a way that is inclusive and leaves no country behind.
Champions for Paris: Ambition and Solidarity
Ministers and high-level representatives remembered the HAC's integral role in securing an ambitious Paris Agreement in 2015 and tasked themselves to mobilize once again in 2020 to ensure the delivery of ambitious nationally-determined contributions (NDCs), long-term greenhouse gas reduction strategies, and climate finance commitments that are aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
All agreed that the postponement of COP-26 to November 2021 must not result in a postponement of climate action and support. That time must instead be used to advance negotiations. HAC members identified a role for the HAC to play in raising climate ambition in the G7 and G20. HAC members expressed support to the UNFCCC Executive Secretary in her commitment to maintain the 2020 deadline for the delivery of new and more ambitious NOCs under the Paris Agreement and resolved to engage with Parties who have yet to deliver their updated NOCs. The HAC commended its members Chile, Rwanda and Norway for their updated NOC submissions, and those that have committed to a 2020 delivery, including Costa Rica. The Marshall Islands was the first country to communicate an enhanced NOC in 2019.
The HAC will launch a targeted program of work for 2020-2021 focused on 1) ambitious and urgent action around COVI 0-19 recovery that creates a transformational change to effectively combat the climate crisis; and 2) ensuring that we maintain the focus on ambition and the delivery of ambitious NOCs through highlevel political engagement in the lead up to COP-26. The HAC remains fully committed to demonstrating its leadership, both individually among its members and collectively as a coalition, in this critical time period. The HAC will continue to serve as a true champion of ambitious climate action.
Marshallese Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Casten Nemra Marshallese Environment Minister, Christopher Loeak Costa Rican Minister of Environment and Energy, Carlos Manuel Rodriguez German Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Svenja Schulze